He asked me if I would do a small sign for his workshop
Even though he is more than capable of doing his own, his only restriction is the software that he uses for his router doesn't have the ability to do true 3D carving like I can with Enroute.
He has always been amazed at what I've been able to accomplish using Enroute software so He wanted to see what I could do with his sign.
I started by Importing the above artwork from his web site into Enroute, then traced over the cow using the drawing tools in Enroute.

I added some text and a background to the text, and a woodgrain texture (from Dan Sawatzky's Texture Magic Collection Of Bit Maps).
to the main body of the sign which is a dished in surface. I also added the raised boarder around the perimeter of the sign. ( the extreme yellow band on the outside is not going to be part of the finished piece, the cows horns will be sticking out in mid air. this boarder is only there so I had a surface to build the horns on). The total thickness of this sign is about 3-1/4 inches its hard to see that in these shots.

Now If I Can Get My Computer Back from the doctor I'll start the process of making this sign.