The attendies for this act, Concrete mortar mix, Portland cement, Fiber glass flakes ( for strenght) water, powerfull mixing drill (Milwaulkee Super Hole Hog) and misc trowels and sculpting tools ( sticks , knives, pointing trowel, stiff brushes and crumpled up alum. foil.
And the star of the show the base with mesh applied.

While waiting for the concrete to set up I moved on to the base coat for the track and machine.
Prior to the base coat was a hand applied primer coat. This rimmer is so thick( like thin pancake batter) that it has to be brushed on, this process took me 3 1/2 hours , 2 1/2 on the tracks alone with all there nooks and crannies.

Now we wait for paint to dry. then on to the detail painting (all hand work) stay tunned.